Nursery Life



We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage using a wide range of resources and materials tailored to suit every child's needs and interests. We encourage children to play and explore in an active way and to become critical thinkers.



Your child's progress is closely monitored and recorded by their key person. You can easily follow their development and well-being. We communicate regularly with parents through daily feedback, learning journeys and parents' evenings.



Your child's welfare is very important to us and we endeavour to make sure all children are cared for in a safe and secure environment. We also encourage them to develop as independent individuals.

Outdoor activities


Children are given the chance to go outside throughout the day. As well as offering an outdoor classroom, our garden is the perfect place to play and be active in the open. 

Cross-curricular activities


All children take part in cooking activities. From two onwards, children are taught Music and Sport by qualified and accredited outside professionals. French is taught from the age of three by the Director who is a native speaker and a qualified teacher.

Visits and outings


Children have a natural curiosity of the world in which they live and we aim to provide opportunities to extend their learning through various excusions to local farms, museums and theatres. Such outings help to enrich the curriculum with first hand experiences.